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  1. K

    حزمه NET Framework 4.5.2 التي لا غني عنها في اي حاسوب

    Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 The .NET Framework is Microsoft’s comprehensive and consistent programming model for building applications that have visually stunning user experiences, seamless and secure communication, and the ability to model a range of business...
  2. طارق جبور

    Central Banks Net Buyers of Gold for 1st Time in 20 Years

    European central banks have become net buyers of gold for the first time in more than two decades, the latest sign of how the turbulence in the currency and debt markets has revolutionized the bullion market. The FT reports. more...
  3. طارق جبور

    UK Groups Cast Net Towards China for Executives

    Companies face a scramble to hire talented executives with Chinese experience to join their boards as the focus of UK business shifts increasingly towards the east, the FT reports. more...